On the first day I arrived in Denham, I met an American (whoo, hoo! Yanks are pretty rare Down Under), a German, and a Dutch traveller.  It was fun talking to the American.  I could actually understand him :).  We walked down to the jetties for a snorkel and on the way, we saw a juvenile Emu cruising by the shops and right down the middle of the road like he owned the place.  One big missing I have living in a suburban area is the lack of wildlife so it was so exciting to see a critter almost immediately upon arrival.

The next day, two juvenile Emus were owning the street.  Blanche slowed down for them, and when she stopped, I dug out the camera in hot pursuit.  They stopped at watering trough that was clearly left for them.  I positioned myself to hopefully catch them coming toward me rather than catching their tail feathers.  From the other direction came Daddy Emu with two siblings