Captain John asked me how I was at tying knots. I found myself starting to say, I am absolutely miserable at knot tying, but realised that would be completely unacceptable verbiage from any of my students! Therefore, I corrected myself and replied, “I am knot challenged and would appreciate any tuition in that area.”
I am becoming proficient in the half-hitch and am starting on the bowline. Glenn, the First Mate, has also been very helpful in my knot tying education.
My days have been full of sorting photos for use in the documentary and nights have been full of transcribing stories about the photos from Captain John. We nearly have a documentary in all the photos that John has taken over the years in his travels through the Kimberley. I have about 30,000 photos to sort!
I am getting into the routine of living life according to the tides. When the tide is in, we can run the big generator and use everything we need on the boat. When the tide is out, we use the small generator, and are careful of power use so that we can get the necessary work competed on the boat without blowing a circuit breaker.