I dedicate this expedition to my Grandfather.  His unconditional love and unwavering support of me shaped me as a child and created the belief in myself, determination and commitment necessary to execute this endeavour.  It is my hope that I will be able to create this type of support in the communities I visit such that the children are empowered and supported to achieve any goal they set for themselves.

The students may create tremendous goals in the learning sessions I conduct with them, but without parental and community support, their success is greatly diminished.

My goal for this journey is to empower every person I encounter with the knowledge, skills, resources available, and desire to create a better life for themselves, family, and positively impact their community.

I view myself as a facilitator.  I cannot come into a community and know their specific needs.  I can only ask questions, listen, provide a different perspective, guide goal setting and skills for execution, and educate the community about available resources.

The action necessary for success lies within the individuals of the community.  When we throw off the chains of the past, no matter how horrific, and take responsibility for our own lives, the seeds of change can take root.  Perhaps it will be slow, like the gradual formation of the landscape of Australia over the millennia.  Perhaps it will happen within the lifetime of the students of the community.  It simply needs to start and form in ways even the community may have never dreamed.

ANYTHING is possible through love, determination, commitment and ACTION.  I know that through experience.  It is the way I choose to live my life.

