Okay, maybe it wasn’t a week, but eleven days to move my whole life from one end of the continent to the other isn’t too shabby.  Captain John is a character to say the least and I’ve already got blackmail photos.  The problem with discrediting our Captain is the discouragement of investors in our documentary project.  Our plan is to go on a private journey and document the majesty of the Kimberley.

We will be looking at the anthropomorphic attributes (displays of human form or qualities) of the wildlife in the Kimberley and document the coast in the last 3.7% of earth least impacted by human activity.  The other two coasts to complete the 3.7% of this anthropogenic area are the Arctic and Antarctic.

I know, TOO COOL!

Diving the breathtaking waters of Exmouth

Diving the breathtaking waters of Exmouth, Western Australia.

Some of the best critters are hiding in the crevices.  It's so fun to find them!

Some of the best critters are hiding in the crevices. It’s so fun to find them!

Fish of the Ningaloo Reef, Western Australia's jewel and answer to The Great Barrier Reef.

Fish of the Ningaloo Reef, Western Australia’s jewel and answer to The Great Barrier Reef.

How about this Beaut?!?

How about this Beaut?!?