One year ago today, I set foot on Australian soil as an Australian Permanent Resident. As I write this, I am encrusted with salt, sand, and have sun cream smeared in my ears…wouldn’t have it any other way! How did I spend my day? Surveying the gorgeous ocean reefs and playing with Australian Sea Lions as I paddled my WestCoast 555, the kayak in which I will likely circumnavigate Australia.
I came back into society for a short stint (I’ve been off-grid, meaning no phone or internet for quite some time) yesterday as January 26th is officially Australia Day and today it is celebrated by a day off from work, one of the multitude of Australian holidays, oh and did I mention a full work week over here is 38 hours. Might I have heard an audible gasp from the Northern Hemisphere? I’m afraid Australia has a much better work/life balance. In fact, a lot of shops are closed on the weekend and if they are open, they close at 5 p.m. Fair Dinkum!
As it was my first official Australia Day as a Permanent Resident, I attended the Premier’s Active Citizenship Awards and Citizenship Ceremony at the Civic Centre. They were presented by His Worship the Mayor of Rockingham. All sorts of controversy abounded regarding how long you had to reside in Australia to apply for citizenship. Anywhere from two to six years was the range. I thought it was two years for my visa, but I found out it was four :(. I immediately went to the Australian Citizenship website and got 100% on the practice tests so I am ready! I may have passed the citizenship test, but I’m still working out the Aussie Day Checklist (see below). Don’t worry, I will still be a Yank, just an Aussie Yank. Hmm, I wonder if I will need to change my website name.

Aussie Checklist

One Year in Australia 27 Jan 2014

World Famous Western Australian Wildflowers
16 Oct 2013
Here are a few recent photos. I hope to get everyone up to speed on the last four months with weekly posts (hope springs eternal). A big Thank You! to everyone who has kept in touch. It really means a lot to me to hear from you all. I may be Down Under, but each of you are in my heart All Over the World!

Faster Set of Wheels
Point Peron, WA 07 Dec 13

Packing the Kayak for Adventure
10 Jan 14

15k South of Preston Beach, WA
11 Jan 14