After visiting my lovely friends in Cairns, I moved to Port Kennedy, WA 6172. It’s totally amazing and right on the beach, but I have a 30 minute bike ride to the train and a 45 minute bike ride to my kayak coach’s house in Rockingham. I am certainly going to have to get into shape quickly as I have been biking about 5-6 hours and kayaking 4-6 hours a week. I was accepted into the Master of Education (Research) program at Murdoch University. Based on my grades and writing in this semester’s courses, I will be accepted into the PhD program in January. Lots of reading and writing for class. The house is working out great. I will have it to myself for two weeks. The Kiwi who was renting the other room moved out and the owners went on vacation for three weeks. My kayak should be delivered next weekend. I just have to sand the top and put on the deck lines. Had a great paddle today in a big storm. Lot’s of practice in big waves and I only came out once. Les, my coach, has been really supportive. I hope his praise is genuine. I’ve only seen one other woman sea kayaking and that was only once, so maybe I am doing okay if he is spending so much time on me. He invited me on a two-week trip in January near Albany (southern WA). It will depend on work and school if I can go. It would be great on my resume if I can do it. So much is happening so fast. So far, I am managing okay. Thank you all for your comments and support. It’s great hearing from you!

Teresa & Narelle in Cairns, QLD
Yummy Dessert

Teresa in Cairns, QLD
- Teresa at Lake Morris, QLD

Port Douglas, QLD
Wendy, Teresa, & Narelle

Kayaking Penguin Island, WA

Teresa Kayaking Penguin Island

Teresa Kayaking Penguin Island

Tony, Teresa, & Les
(Notice the Sheer Delight on my Face!)