Escape from Security

Submitted by Teresa Diehl on 15 September 2015 – 10:43am “Ma’am, would you like the privacy of a room, or would you like me to check you here?”  You’re not getting me into any room, Babe, I thought to myself, but I politely said, “Check me here, I don’t have time to waste.” Honest to… Continue readingEscape from Security

Security Trouble

Submitted by Teresa on 13 September 2015 – 3:18pm   I kid you not! My jaw absolutely dropped! The male guard turned his monitor around to show me and the female guard approached. I was so mad, I almost pulled my pants down right there. How are they going to check this?      The… Continue readingSecurity Trouble

Airport Security on way to Florida

Submitted by Teresa Diehl on 11 September 2015 – 7:51am On to security. What a goat rope, literally. It was like Disneyland, back and forth through the ropes, but NOBODY smiled. I asked if we had to take our shoes off. The guard tersely said,  “Yes.” “We don’t have to take our shoes off in Australia,”… Continue readingAirport Security on way to Florida


Submitted by Teresa Diehl on 29 August 2015 – 2:42pm My Mom and I were talking as I was checking-in online when, Whoops! We just passed the airport.  Were we early, ha, ha, ha, NOT! Well, no use panicking when getting lost in San Francisco and late for a flight. I whipped out my handy,… Continue readingSAN FRANCISCO TO MIAMI-THE ADVENTURE BEGINS!

Chilka River, Alaska: Guest writer lil’ sis’ Tiff

Submitted by Teresa Diehl on 23 August 2015 – 4:19pm Hi, I’m Tiffany, Teresa’s Younger sister. I asked her if I could share my experiences in Haines, Alaska. I’m not used to blogging so be forgiving…please.     As Teresa climbed a mountain, Mom and I took a bus to a local Native Alaskan reservation. … Continue readingChilka River, Alaska: Guest writer lil’ sis’ Tiff


Submitted by Teresa Diehl on 20 August 2015 – 6:05am Victoria, Canada is a beautiful city with historic grandeur. My mother and I stand in front of the massive legislative building for the Capital City of British Columbia.      On the lawn of the legislative building is a gorgeous totem pole called the Knowledge…Continue readingVICTORIA, CANADA


Submitted by Teresa Diehl on 17 August 2015 – 1:36pm Upon arriving in Haines, Alaska, I searched out a local information booth. I asked for a hiking map. My sister piped in, “What is the hardest and longest trail?” The man raised his eyebrows and asked if I was a hiker. Tiffany and I laughed.… Continue readingSUMMITTING MOUNT RILEY, HAINES, ALASKA

Juneau, Alaska

Submitted by Teresa Diehl on 15 August 2015 – 3:07am Thanks to my grandmother and mom for funding the flight to California and trip to Alaska, I finally met my lifelong dream of seeing Juneau, Alaska where my mother was born.     First thing to do arriving in Juneau was to climb up to the city… Continue readingJuneau, Alaska


Submitted by Teresa Diehl on 16 July 2015 – 1:08am I dedicate this expedition to my Grandfather.  His unconditional love and unwavering support of me shaped me as a child and created the belief in myself, determination and commitment necessary to execute this endeavour.  It is my hope that I will be able to create…Continue readingDEDICATION TO GRANDPA


Submitted by Teresa Diehl on 29 July 2015 – 1:43pm Thank you to Chris Van Groningen, Head of Talent & People for UDACITY.  Chris was the kindest person to me in all of Silicon Valley.  He listened about my project and happily took my business card and said he would give it to the team… Continue readingUDACITY